Jesus the Gentleman

Jesus the gentleman walked softly by

on rolling waves ‘neath a stormy sky.

The weary disciples, late in the night,

thought it was a ghost and were filled with fright.

Their boat bounced and swayed on the raging sea.

Jesus the gentleman waited patiently

for them to cry out–send the S.O.S.

so He could help them and ease their distress.

“Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Then the sea became calm. The wind obeyed.

On this sea of life storms will come and go.

Jesus the gentleman stands near to show

that He waits for you to call out to Him

before He enters–He’s a gentleman.

Your faith in action begins when you call,

on Jesus the gentleman, Lord of all.

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Heaven’s Leaven

Family gatherings, holiday time–my family depends on it. Homemade bread. What makes bread, rolls, croissants and soft pretzels so light and good? Yeast. A substance that reacts with sugar to produce a gas that lightens dough.

In Matthew 13:33, is Jesus’ shortest parable which compares the kingdom of heaven to yeast or leaven.

Heaven’s Leaven

When yeast is mixed into the dough

then left alone, a change will show

The dough will soon be twice its size,

thanks to yeast that made it rise.

“The kingdom’s like this,” Jesus said.

Like the leaven makes our bread.

Word and Spirit both alive

begin to work, deep inside

and change a life bound by sin.

Setting it free. New life in Him

and He in us–hope of glory.

Heaven’s leaven. Unseen story.

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Filed under devotional, God, heaven, inspirational, poem

My Palm Tree Reminder

My husband had a date. Not with me or anyone else. The kind you eat.

Would you believe in a box labeled Seedless Dates there was one with a seed in it? I remember his wide eyes and the “Oh!” he exclaimed when he bit into it.

Hubby planted his unexpected find and today I have a three-foot tall palm tree on my back porch. Soon, I’ll have to transfer the small tree to a larger container, hoping it will continue to thrive.

My back porch palm tree reminds me of two verses in Psalm 92 and my aim as a children’s ministry worker.

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. Psalm 92:12a

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in

in the courts of our God. Psalm 92:13

 In children’s ministry, spiritual digging, planting, watering, fertilizing, weeding is created in a variety of ways.  It’s accomplished through songs, games, role-playing, stories and giving positive incentives. All of these methods seek to put God’s Word into their hearts—praying it will take root. Believing our children will grow, flourish and perhaps one day, like my back porch palm tree, move on to bigger surroundings and greater things.

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Train Wreck Reflections

In my younger years, I was quick to sing Pick up, Clean up and help my kids’ put their toys away. But now, I’m content to let Thomas the Train and the box cars stay on the floor. The little train wreck reminds me of my grandson. His determination as he assembled the track and connected the box cars to the engine. The sounds he made as he pushed the train around the track and the blllliibphttaw he shouted as the train derailed and fell apart on the floor. Yes, the mess reminds me of him and his playfulness. But, most of all, it reminds me of my responsibility.

Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation. Joel 1:3

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Back On Course

Those daily check-the-box Bible reading charts didn’t work for me. Behind schedule by February. An abandoned reading plan by April. But, one day it occurred to me, I don’t have to follow a prescribed reading plan. I’m free to choose my own style–my own way of digging into God’s word.

So I did. The more I read, the more I wanted to read. Curiosity leapfrogged. I reviewed cross-references and studied definitions. I scanned maps and timelines. Browsed commentaries. I discovered answers to situations, wisdom, knowledge and guidance. I looked forward to my aha! moments–the times I found something I never saw before, though I had read the same scripture many times.

Over twenty years have passed since I began my unique approach to the greatest book of all time. Fresh spiritual bread feeds my soul. Written word, logos, truly is living word, rhema.

Oh the wonder, the adventure. I’ve found my Jehovah Jireh’s words are words that truly provide!

Matt 4:4

John 6:63

1 Tim 2:15

Psalm 119:11

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God’s Math–God’s Way

From our viewpoint, God’s math seems fuzzy. In Numbers 7 you read about Levi’s sons-three men who were given twelve oxen and six wagons.

One son received four oxen and two wagons. One son received eight oxen and four wagons, and one son (Kohath) received no oxen, no wagons. Zilch, zero, nada. Doesn’t appear fair does it?  Yet, God had a reason for the uneven distribution. 

Kohath, and the men in his family who didn’t receive any oxen or wagons were given the greater responsibility of carrying the holy vessels and furniture of the Tabernacle. God knew these items were too precious to be placed on a wagon. They had to be entrusted to men who valued their sacredness. Men who would carefully pack these items, which were unseen to the average Israelite, and carry them in an ark on their shoulders. 

The Old Testament is full of types and shadows. Perhaps this was meant to be a foreshadowing to us. Our human nature will often compare ourselves to others. We may see our load and what we’re dealt with as not being fair. But in viewing things through the Spirit realm, God’s perspective, could it be that He has a unique, specialized responsibility for you?

Numbers 7: 1-9

Isa 55: 8-9

2 Cor 4: 7

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Exponential Forgiveness

Around the time eight track tapes and Lite Brite toys hit the shelves, my third grade Sunday School teacher taught a lesson about Peter asking Jesus how many times a person should forgive someone.

“Seven times?” Peter asked.

“Seventy times seven,” replied Jesus.

Wow, I thought–that’s four hundred ninety times! My young mind took Jesus’ words literally and I spent many nights kneeling by my bed saying, “Lord forgive me. Lord forgive me. Lord forgive me.” I counted as I prayed and cried and didn’t stop until I reached the required number. Yup, four hundred ninety times. I felt better after paying (and praying) my penance. That is, until I messed up again and had to recite my repentant prayer.

Many years have passed since I knelt and counted my “Lord forgive me” sentences. I’m still learning to forgive to the limitless extent Jesus talked about. I ask Him daily to forgive me. Consequently, I’ve discovered there’s more to conviction than saying, “I’m sorry.” The evidence of genuine repentance is true change. Change is what Jesus and others see. I hope my actions speak.

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Hand in Hand

A small act of chivalry, yet it means so much. Whenever we’re walking together and my husband realizes I’m the one walking closest to the street he’ll say, “We need to switch places. I should be over there.”

We switch. I smile, knowing he’s willing to take a muddy splash, or in the worst case, a hit from an erring driver to insure my safety.

I have a spiritual protector beside me too. He’s promised to always be with me. I may never know the times He’s fought off unseen hindrances or attacks. Yet I trust Him.

I think I’ll keep walking.

Phl 3:14, 2 Tim 4:7, Rev 2:10d

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Blessed Are The Peacemakers

This is the third day in a row. Lord, are you trying to tell me something? A book, a social media post & today’s email devotional had the same message–the difference between peace keeping & peace making.

Peace Keeping

*remain silent

*stuff/hold it in

*go with the flow

*be compliant

*avoid risk

But, a maker makes things. Making things requires effort and action. Taking action often means initiating a much needed conversation.

Peace Making

*overcome fear

*open communication

*solve problems

*move forward

Yes Lord, I’ll take a deep breath & be a peacemaker. Season my words with love and wisdom. Give me patience to listen and understand. With your help, love and peace will win.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9

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A Memorable Break

At seventeen I had a lot of questions–few answers. Questions about life. Questions about the future. Questions about God. Was He real? Was there more to being a Christian than going to church and trying to live a good life? Yes, I had questions and a summer job. My title? Assistant Head Dining Room Girl. Where? Camp Hoblitzelle in Midlothian, Texas.

Dining Room Girl duties included setting tables, serving food, serving second and third helpings of food, cleaning tables, washing dishes and mopping floors. As Assistant Head Dining Room Girl I had to make sure all the tasks were done and help solve any problems that arose among the eight of us. Consequently, serving three meals a day, plus a night-time snack to staff left little time to enjoy camp activities. Until one day, just before supper, the dining room girls were asked to step outside.

“Everyone take on of these folded slips of paper from the basket,” the Camp Director said. “After you’ve drawn one, walk over to an area by yourself, sit down and seriously think about what you’re reading. Stay in your spot until you hear the dinner bell.”

I reached into the wicker basket and took one of the white papers and walked to a nearby tree and plopped beneath it. It felt good to sit outside, even if it was July. I leaned back against the tree and opened my assignment.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

I looked up to the sky then down again to what became 2 of my favorite Bible verses.

Yes Lord.

I will trust.

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Heal the Waters, Heal the Stream

Heal the Waters, Heal the Stream

Pioneer nurse, Florence Nightingale followed the stench that led to a dead horse in a stream. The stream flowed over and around the remains of the horse and into the town’s water supply. Could this be why so many people were ill? Possibly.  

This story reminds me of Jesus’ words in Luke 6:45.

                A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good: and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

It also reminds me of a Sunday School song:

What you hide in your heart you’ll find on your tongue.

Once it goes into your mind the journey’s just begun

If your glad, sad, or mad, it’ll come out good or bad.

What you hide in your heart you’ll find on your tongue

Dear Lord,

Search my heart. Make me aware and rid me of anything that doesn’t manifest health and life. I want a clean heart. Fill me afresh with your Word and Spirit. Release living water.   

                                In your name,


Psalm 139:23, Psalm 51:10, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 12:6, Psalm 19:14, Luke 6:45, John 7:38

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A lifetime of fishing, I knew firsthand.

Yet I did what he said and obeyed his command.

Got so many fish. How did he know?

Our boat half-sunk under the load.

“Bread and fish on the fire. Come and dine,” said he.

“It’s the Lord,” I shouted. But how can it be?

With clothes tossed aside, I dove in and swam

to my Savior, my Lord, the great I Am.

Oh what a morning on Galilee’s shore

where he fed our bellies and our souls much more!

Filled and refreshed, blessed gathering on the beach.

Assured of our mission and the hearts we must reach.

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Not a bird in sight. Small twigs & brown leaves had filled my backyard birdbath. I’d let a few days slip by without doing my turn-on-the-water-for-the-birds-duty. I rotated the spigot full blast until a stream of water flowed through the garden hose. Then I aimed it at the concrete basin of my pedestal birdbath and flushed away the debris. No wonder I hadn’t seen any birds. Next, I readjusted the flow to a steady drip-drip-drip and rigged the hose to hang in its usual spot, a couple of feet above the birdbath.

Soon my feathered friends returned. The familiar sparrows, cardinals and blue jays. Some spread their wings for a drip-drip shower. Others sat along the rim and scooped beakfuls of cool water.

There are days my soul is dry. Dry, like my neglected bird bath. Frivolous thoughts and busyness fill the hours. All because I let time slip by without a flow of God’s Word, living water, into my day.

I get back on track. Back into the routine of opening my email devotional and my Bible to its accompanying scripture. While reading and thinking, living water trickles in. Worldly cares drift away. Trust, assurance and confidence in an omnipresent God saturate me. My thirst is quenched. My spirit refreshed.


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Enter Broken, Leave Whole

Crraacck! All who heard the breaking of the alabaster box and inhaled its sweet fragrance knew this was no ordinary oil.

They watched her. The woman who opened the stone container which held her valuable oil. Her body and hands trembled as she knelt before Jesus. With her hands wet from her abundance of tears, she carefully poured the oil and anointed Jesus’ feet. She sobbed. Expressed thanks. Kissed his feet, wiped them with her hair and cried (Luke 7:47).

And yet, even in this same worshipful atmosphere, there stood a man skeptical and unmoved. This man, Judas, the disciple who kept the purse strings and later betrayed Jesus, focused on the guesstimated cost and seemingly waste of oil.

Which person will I be?

When someone has been given much, much will be required in return. Luke 12:48 NLT

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psalm 51:17 KJV

John 12:3-8

Luke 7: 44-50

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From Tombs to a Territory

Nameless. Unfit to live with society. So he lived among the tombs–his hideout home. Scarred from frequent cutting. Dirty. Naked. Until Jesus stepped ashore.

Two words, “Come out,” and the legion of demons hurled into a herd of swine. Hell’s chains broke, fell off. Free. Clean.

The delivered one wanted to follow Jesus. Stay close to him. Was this longing from a feeling of eternal gratefulness? Was it from a fear if the unclean spirits returned he’d be close to The Messiah? Still, Jesus told him to stay. Stay and tell his story. He couldn’t help but tell his story.

And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. Mark 5:15

And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel. Mark 5:20

Decapolis, a gentile region of ten cities–designated by Jesus to be his mission field. His spiritual jurisdiction. Two chapters later, Jesus returned to the same area and healed a deaf-mute.

And were beyond measure astonished, saying He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak. Mark 7:37

A miracle in the former demoniac’s homeland. The gospel, the good news spread. His testimony, his story, used for God’s glory.

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